Case Study – Government Agency

Client : Government Agency Vessel

Cyrus Eradicate is successfully used by a large number of commercial marine operators to eliminate microbiological contamination found in fuel oil, fuel storage tanks, bilges and fuel distribution systems. It works by killing bacteria and it may also be applied to fuel on a preventive basis so pre-empting any potential future problems.

The effectiveness of the Cyrus Eradicate treatment was confirmed by one skipper working on a Government Agency vessel in the Irish Sea when he noticed a serious fuel contamination problem. He said: “I used Cyrus Eradicate at the recommended dose to treat the entire fuel system.”

“The treated fuel was circulated through our purifier and the strainer checked and cleaned regularly. After 48 hours the strainer was clear and we had no problems with fuel contamination. The service offered by Cyrus Energy was very helpful, prompt and informative. We went from a severe problem, with suggestions of hand cleaning the tanks, to being fully operational in a short time thanks to the assistance given by the Cyrus team and their product.”

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Further Information

Eradicate Effectiveness against Diesel Bacterial Contaminant

Eradicate Effectiveness against Diesel Bacterial Contaminant

Download the full ‘Cyrus Eradicate Product Analysis Report‘ report : PDF | DOC